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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Nineteen months later

...and I finally have a wedding photo book complete! Thanks to a Klout perk {through Shutterfly}, I did receive the first twenty pages free for this keepsake. I spent a mere $20.54 {$7.99 of that was for s+h) for our wedding album, I mean how can anyone beat that?! I so badly wanted professional albums but they were a lot more than we had and/or were willing to spend, though I feel quite pleased with our Shutterfly wedding album {one down, three two to go}. I am a happy wife ;-)


Click here to view this photo book larger
Build your own high-quality photo books at

How do you preserve your photo memories?


  1. I think I'm going to give the new shutterfly lay flat pages a try. I will need to see if the klout coup works on that.

  2. I love the cover. Ours came with the package we got from the photographer, luckily. We didn't even want one, but it was free. Stupid things are way too expensive.
