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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Please don't stop the music

I love me some music! I mean who doesn't, right?! I pretty much like all genres of music. I used to listen to tunes all the time. I used to spend money I didn't have on concerts; there was a summer a few years ago where a few friends and I went to a concert every weekend for five or six was in-sanity (and also a lot of fun)...

But for whatever reason, life has become way  busy and I don't seem to have as much time for relaxing and having fun like the ol' days. Don't get me wrong, most of the busy in our lives is self imposed (or rather, Nichole imposed, if you're the hubs) but I don't seem to have as much time to discover new music or books like I once did.

This past Friday, J and I went to the Rays game. It was a great date night for just the two of us. After we lost the ninth inning, there was a post game concert featuring one of my fave bands: O.A.R.

It was so great to see them live again! I hadn't seen them in concert in a few years and just for a minute I forgot how much I loved them...

I also realized I miss music; discovering new bands and sounds and people watching at concerts. Music is such a great escape for me; I didn't even know I was missing it until, well it was gone.

I've told myself I need to fit in more time for the small things I enjoy and need to to quote Rihanna (Umbrella, ella, ella, eh, eh, eh. Sorry), "Please don't stop the music"....

Now, listen to one of my fave O.A.R. songs
How do you  decompress? XOXO, Nichole  


  1. I'm so with you girl, I feel like I need to make more "me" time lately! Love the Rays game so fun :-)

  2. I totally forgot about O.A.R!

    And the baseball game looks fun - I miss them! Used to go to Mariners games in Seattle every so often...definitely one of my favorite sports!
