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Monday, February 3, 2014

Good-bye luscious locks

Last week Jason was a sick, sick boy and slept on the couch as to not disturb me with his coughing {he is a way better spouse than me}, at night.

And while he was starting to feel better come Friday night, he opted to sleep on in the living room one more night. But not before coming to bed and telling me he had something very important to talk to me about...

I legit thought something was wrong! In the almost seven years I have known Jason, I don't think I have ever heard him say, "I have something serious to discuss" {I am paraphrasing, just go with it}, and so for a hot minute, I thought something was really wrong.

What my husband wanted to "discuss" with me was that it was time...time to cut those luscious locks, ya'll.

If you read my initial post about Jason's hair, then you know his do' has been a topic of conversation at Casa de Crews for months now. MONTHS.

the emo look
Jason has always kept his hair short, but last March he realized that once he was an attorney, he could never grow his hair out. I mean, never mind that he has two and a half years left, and must take the bar, too.

I begged Jason to cut his hair. When friends or my family saw his hair, they raved about it, which did not help my cause whatsoever. So I gave in, and accepted the locks, and actually came to like them.

Jason and I are attempting to run, and when we do, he has to put his hair up with one of my hair ties, or if he is studying, he wears a headband. And occasionally I may have said he was "such a pretty girl", which I think he may not have liked, ha.

the after math
But the decision to chop it all of was Jason's and Jason's alone, and I couldn't be happier.

This was the boy I met seven years ago! I missed that guy...

How was your weekend?!


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  1. Looks great, can't believe he grew his hair so dang long haha :-)

  2. OMG He finally did it! It looks great!

  3. Wow, he looks great! I am a fan of the shorter do.

  4. i remember when my husband decided to shave his head. that was a bit scary for him and i remember him being a little apprehensive which was strange to watch because he's usually a confident guy.

    i like the cut!!

    Vodka and Soda

  5. haha…Scott shaves his head these days and I prefer it…he's kinda bald anyway. You're right: Lawyers need to look professional!

  6. Awe! I'm not a fan of long hair, but good for him realizing he wouldn't want to have long hair later and doing it now!

  7. HAHAHA love that you called him a pretty girl! That is so something I would have done (and secretly hoped it had the same effect that yours might have!).

  8. Matt's has never gotten quite that long, but yeah I understand hating their hair when they need a hair cut! You can see his face again in the last picture! :)

  9. When I read that title I thought you were talking about yourself! This is hilarious! He looks great! love the finished look!
