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Monday, November 4, 2013

Random 11.4.2013

I'm tired, and writing this late on Sunday night. I want to pass out, but I also forgot to renew my domain for two days, and feel like I have to have a post up for Monday since I had the most ridiculous screaming match with my laptop, this weekend. We fought, and I said things I shouldn't have. But my computer still loves me, and we worked things out. So now I owe it to "her" to share my weekend, or what will be a hodge podge of random, Monday.

Apparently last week the universe felt like giving me things. Thanks to a contest. my blog post about Lowry Park's Zoo Boo after the Yelp event, won me TWO annual passes for a whole year! I never win anything, ya'll.

Then, I won a Starbucks gift card from Mayra, at In Flight Party Ideas for entering her site's 3rd anniversary!

Photo: Renee Nicole {Design + Photography}
I also received my head shots from Renee Nicole {Design + Photography} this weekend! We received head shots on day 2 of Blog Fete. And since I have blue eyes, the sun hates them and I squint SO badly in the light. Renee was sweet enough to re-take shots for me later in the day when the sun was not as bright.

Friday, Jason and I went and saw Michael Buble! I love my sweet husband for taking me. It was completely overpriced, however. I never looked at tickets because I wanted Jason to plan the night, and all that jazz. He knew they were expensive, and still took me and said he was happy to do so, but you know what?

We had more fun after the concert, at one of my fave spots, Miguels, for margaritas and dessert. Sometimes, I try and re-create memories and Jason reminds me that its okay to leave things in the past, and create new ones.

Saturday, we went to a belated Halloween Party/Friend's 30th {surprise} Birthday. We were the only ones not dressed up, ha ha. I was just glad to go. Happy Birthday, Shelly!

I have a confession to make; the last week I have massively stunk at meal planning, and working out. I have been incredibly busy, and sort of used that as an excuse. I ate, and drank terribly all weekend. I feel extra tired, bloated, and just gross. I am back at it this week, not even for weight loss reasons, but to feel normal again. I still want to me real here with my weight loss, but I am not weighing myself for a few days. That is seriously how gross I feel. I'll share, soon.

How was your weekend?


Linking up with Sami

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  1. Wow congrats on ALL of the WINNINGS!

  2. You are so lucky right now! I haven't entered to win anything lately, but feel free to pass those vibes over here, will ya? And I do love Michael Buble, but mostly at Christmas. He should only tour between Thanksgiving and New Year's so I can hear those songs only!

  3. I'm so jealous that you saw MB!

  4. Wow, you are a winning fool! And that head shot of you is beautiful!

  5. Girl your head shot looks great! Blue eyes and dark hair are my fav combination. Congrats on the win! I haven't been to Lowry in years, lol. Busy lives lead to no working out for me too. Boo!

  6. Congrats on the winnings! Great pictures, looks like fun!

  7. Congrats on all the awesome prizes and I agree Buble was quite the night sad we didn't meet up stupid t mobile ;-)

  8. Good luck getting back on track. I too had a horrible weekend of drinking to much which resulted in eating to much... But now I'm trying to get back into it this week. Lets get together soon!

  9. Oh man I have been splurging since I did my half marathon! haha Also that cream pie cake thing looks like heaven!

  10. That dessert looks amazing!! :) Also it's so hard not to recreate memories. It's hard to remember that new memories can be just as fun as old ones :)

  11. Looks like such a fun weekend! And you've been so lucky with all your winning lately - that's awesome!
