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Thursday, May 2, 2013

I wonder if I ever start to sound like a broken record. How many times have ya'll read that I need to, want to, MUST lose weight? Hell, how many times have I read it myself?

I have a really hard time telling friends "no". By nature, I love being a social butterfly and meeting up with friends over drinks or dinner, or my personal fave, drinks and dinner. It is hard not to, right?!

There are always smart choices when dining out these days, but truth is if I ever want to actually see results that stay off, I have to start declining dinner and drink invites. I hate it. You have no idea how much. But if I don't start putting myself first and saying, "I'm sorry, I can't", I will continue to sabotage myself and the minimal hard work I have put forth thus far.

I also fear that if I decline, friends will stop inviting me out. But then if that's the case, those people were not my friends to begin with I assume.

I will of course need to find a balance, but for the next few weeks, I have to be true to me. Womp Womp.

So here I ago, on yet another new journey to learn about myself.

Here goes nothin'.



  1. You have to do what's best for you. Sometimes it sucks but it will pay off for you. Your real friends will understand!

  2. It's hard to say no, but sometimes it's a must depending which phase of your journey you're in! I ended up having to adjust some friendships myself and made a TON of positive ones through running and my new habits. Also, you can adjust your options when you are out so that you're not cheating - salad vs burger ;) You're gonna do awesome!

  3. this is SO hard for me too. more so at work, my entire department is obsessed with going out to lunch. on any given day there's at least one person asking if I want to grab lunch. it is SO HARD to say no, especially when you're the only one hanging back at the office. ugh :( our bank accounts and waistlines will thank us in the long run though!

    - Val @

  4. Good for you! Discipline is so crucial when you are trying to be healthy. Be it to work out daily or eat healthy. You don't necessarily have to say 'no' to everything but cutting back may help. And think of alternatives to going out to eat with friends. Like a potluck at someone's house. Not only is this option cheaper but you have a better chance of having better food.

    And, yes, if your 'friends' stops hanging out with you because you won't go out, they're not very good friends. You guys can come over for dinner any time at our place!

    1. Oooh Sue, don't tempt me! We must get to CO and see you!

  5. Word! I loved loved loved going out to eat with friends. I like conversation, laughs, and of course FOOD and drinks. I, too, had to take a step back and start to say no to invites. I used to tell myself, "let's go eat this one time." or "It's so-and-so's birthday I HAVE TO GO!" or "It's Thanksgiving it's okay to eat alot." That's when it hit me....there will always be a reason to eat bad...always! The only reason I have not been going out to eat(and subsequently seen a loss on the scale) is because my husband and I decided we were going to be better stewards with our finances. We are huge money spenders but the biggest thing we spend on is going out to eat. We decided that we will have a budget for food and once that ran out for the month then that's it, it's gone! Telling friends that I can't go out to eat because of a budget has gone over LOTS better than telling them I can't go out to eat because I am dieting. If I say I am dieting I always get that one friend who coaxes me into going anyone and I, of course, never stick to a diet once I am at a restaurant. Try the budget excuse and see if that helps curb going out as often.

  6. Word! I loved loved loved going out to eat with friends. I like conversation, laughs, and of course FOOD and drinks. I, too, had to take a step back and start to say no to invites. I used to tell myself, "let's go eat this one time." or "It's so-and-so's birthday I HAVE TO GO!" or "It's Thanksgiving it's okay to eat alot." That's when it hit me....there will always be a reason to eat bad...always! The only reason I have not been going out to eat(and subsequently seen a loss on the scale) is because my husband and I decided we were going to be better stewards with our finances. We aren't huge money spenders but the biggest thing we spend on is going out to eat. We decided that we will have a budget for food and once that ran out for the month then that's it, it's gone! Telling friends that I can't go out to eat because of a budget has gone over LOTS better than telling them I can't go out to eat because I am dieting. If I say I am dieting I always get that one friend who coaxes me into going anyone and I, of course, never stick to a diet once I am at a restaurant. Try the budget excuse and see if that helps curb going out as often.

  7. Balance is so hard! Good for you on trying to find it! :)

  8. You shouldn't feel bad for saying no, if that's what you need to do in order to jump start your goals! After a few weeks, you'll probably start to feel a lot better, and then it probably won't be so hard to go to JUST dinner (no drinks, those are diet-killers) and make healthy choices as far as what you're ordering. People will understand!!

  9. I hear ya! I've had to be that friend so many times and although my friends voice their opinion about how they wish I would come hang out more, the truth is that my health, fitness and diet come first because its what makes me feel good. Instead of saying no you could try eating a healthy dinner before and just going out for the conversation. If people make you feel awkward all you have to say is "I'm just trying to be healthier". It will (hopefully) shut them right up and maybe even sway them to join you.

    1. My biggest struggle is not drinking, trying not to have even one drink with a group is sometimes difficult, isn't it?? Thanks for the encouragement :)

  10. Saying no to going out is the hardest thing EVER! But you're totally motivating me to be better about eating better!

  11. My last semester of college, I had the dinner/drinks phenomenon happen to me. It wasn't life-changing or anything, but I easily gained 10-15 pounds in a semester. When your clothes don't fit 4 months later, it's a wakeup call. That's when I learned that one cannot subsist on restaurant food :)

    It's a process. You'll get there! :)
