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Monday, April 29, 2013

Meal Plan Monday #1

It's no secret that I love to eat out, but in doing so I spend w.a.y. too much money and a lot of food we buy then, goes to waste. In an effort to make sure I eat in more, I am going to start posting each Monday, my game plan for the week. Feel free to share your weekly menu with me, I am always looking for inspiration and  ideas!

Monday: turkey burgers

Source: Self via Nichole C on Pinterest

Tuesday: blackened dijon chicken


Wednesday: meatballs over mashed cauliflower

{i breathe i'm hungry}

Thursday: portabella pizzas
Made my yours truly, here

Friday: Cinco de Mayo Eve {eve?}...perhaps a happy hour at home? ;)

Source: Family Fresh Meals via Corey V on Pinterest
What are YOU making this week?


  1. I'm totally the worst at buying lots of groceries and then just eating out and wasting all the food and the money. Those turkey burgers might have to be attempted...

  2. I think I'm just going to start copying and pasting your weekly menus. You find such good recipes! Those mushrooms look amazing.

  3. That blackened chicken looks amazing! Can't wait to hear how everything turns out!

    1. Made the chicken tonight because I forgot to thaw turkey. Chicken was so tasty and easy.

  4. omg those margarita recipes!!! so happy you posted that, I pinned it immediately.

    also, I'm not sure why I never thought to eat a burger with a lettuce wrap instead of a bun. total duh moment but I'm going to start doing that now :-)

    1. I recently went to dinner at a restaurant where they used lettuce wraps in lieu of tortillas for fajitas. WHY had I never thought of that?!

  5. I meal plan the week before and make as much as I can on Sundays so I don't have to do anything during the week!

  6. Mmmm those portabella pizzas look delish!

  7. If you'd like to make double and send some of everything to my hubby and I, that would be great! Haha :)

  8. This week I'm making lentil ball (like meatballs but vegetarian) and home made refried beans and tortillas.

  9. All of your meals looked delish and healthy. And I must admit that I was pretty taken with the last photo. I am a sucker a good margarita!

  10. i need to start meal planning! such a great thing to do!

  11. i need to start doing that! I can't wait until I move into my apartment and don't have brothers that put their grubby little hands all over my food.

  12. those portabella pizzas look pretty darn amazing! i need to make them.

    have you tried the mashed cauliflower? i've been meaning to try those too
