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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Finish The Sentence {link up}

I've recently become a tad stalker-ish with Holly & Jake {sorry, I'm not sorry?} and love this link up! If you have some randomness swimming around in yo' head, go link up, too!

1. If calories didn't count, I would eat...everything. The end.

2. On my Prom night....I was disappointed at how overrated it was. Also the lady that did my eyebrows made one significantly thinner than the other and I looked a lil' Asian. Thank God I have burned just about any and all photographic evidence of that evening. Though now for this link-up's sake, I do wish I had one photo.

3. When I go to the store, I always buy...cheese. It doesn't matter that we have four blocks or bags at home, its BOGO {again} and I needz to stock up. If the end of the world came by, at least I'd have cheese.

4. Family functions typically...laid back {with mah mind on mah money?} and a lot of swearing. We like each other, I promise. We just talk like a-holes. But really, we loves each other.
Don't let these sa-weet dresses fool you. We have some sailor mouths.

5. I think my blog readers...are my frands!

6. I'd much rather be.....blogging and watching reality tv with the dogs than go to work. How can I convince Jason that this is my calling?

7. I have an obsession with....all things yellow and grey, chevron prints, reality tv, the dollar section of any and all Targets.

8. My work friends....some of my best friends are co-workers! In my current job, its pretty high paced and most of my work friends are really just work friends, but they're really great.

9. When I created my Facebook account....I was anti-Facebook for-ever and then I finally caved. I'm a follower... MySpace for-eva.

10. My least favorite word is...the P word for women's underwear. It just sounds dirty to me.

11. I really don't remember...."To the nights we can't remember and the friends we'll never forget!" Also, besides that I really remember like everything.
Bachelorette weekend, 2011. Key West.

12. Justin Bieber....makes me sad. I used to like that little guy with his pretty hair. I'm twenty-nine and he makes me feel old, because I want to tell him, "Biebs, pull your damn pants UP".
Justin Bieber Underwear

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  1. love cheese too...PANTIES! haha.

  2. Cheese is a main staple in my household. I would sell my husband on a street corner to foot the bill for my queso!

  3. Love me some cheese! The P word is one that creeps out my Hubs :)

  4. I am also super creeped out by the word "panties." Yuck.

  5. You had me on the floor with this. Love it! My family is SO the same way. I nominted you for a blog award today too :)

  6. I'm the same way with cheese! And it's bogo like every week at publix. Poor Justin. That's what happens when you become a child star. Where's his mother??!

  7. I love this link-up!! So fun!
    I was the same way about facebook too... TOTAL myspace snob back in the day.
