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Saturday, September 29, 2012

31 Days Of Jillian.

Come Monday, October 1st, I am getting my ass in check! I've started following Fitness Unscripted and l.o.v.e. this idea! It's simple and really why shouldn't I have been doing something like this all along instead of making excuses?

But I can't harp on the past or I just get mad at myself, so instead I will start {again} and hope for the best. I can do this and I will do this! What have I got to lose?! You should join me, here!

The dvd I'll be hating (no doubt) come Monday
Game on, beetches

What are your  October fitness goals?



  1. I've been doing Jillian's workouts too! Just the ones on youtube - yeah, I'm that cheap. Thanks for commenting on my blog! Let me know if you ever want to share your story (how you met your hubby or something) Id love to have you as a guest blogger!
    -Mackenzie @

  2. Love Jillian's workouts! They are the only DVD workouts I've done where I felt like I was truly getting my ass kicked. I also recommend her Yoga Meltdown as well.

    I committed to doing a half marathon in February, so my fitness goal for the rest of the year is to run without feeling like I'm going to die, lol.

  3. I've never tried her dvds. I'm too lazy to work out at home. I always give up halfway through.
    You'll have to update us on if it's working for you! (And what the secret is to getting through the entire workout.. :)

  4. let me know if you like the 30-day shred. i have it and have NEVER used it hahaha

  5. I've heard her workouts are killer!!! They definitely do the job:) I know that you can do this! You have to start fresh and start somewhere, so good luck girl and have fun:):):)
