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Monday, March 11, 2013

Manic Monday

Why is it Monday again? Another great weekend was had, and I think we should be allowed an extra to recover. Who is with me?!

Friday night, hubs and I had a legit date! No photos because it was 50 mother frickin' degrees outside and I decided I needed to warm up via drinks. So while there is no photographic evidence, know that we had a nice time and we were past due for such a night out.

Saturday, we celebrated Jason's birthday early at The Strawberry Festival, in Plant City. Think your typical fair ish {fried goodness} and all things strawberries you can ever imagine; southern style, so you know the people watching was at its finest. Jason likes most all music, but he is big into eighties {and coincidentally I am big into people watching, but I digress} and the concert fell just a few days before his birthday, so we made a day of it {never mind I bought six tickets and only three of us came, that's an entirely other post}.
1. Nothing says L.O.V.E. like a tractor, amiright?
2. Bestie and I waiting for Bret Michaels to start
3. My birthday boy and I waiting for the concert
           4. Our friend is home while she has baby #2! I love her

{and obvs we all like Old Navy?} 
This happened {it was shared, don't worry}. *Obligatory fair food*
That would be Bret Michaels in the flesh...
Sunday, sister and I went to Seminole Heights for their monthly Sunday market {more on that later} and then
I felt sick thanks to my allergies and pretty much bummed around all day. I was in bed by nine. Sex-ay.

I did make sure to watch JT on SNL, however. I love him. Tender-oni.

1:02, I died.
How was your weekend?!


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  1. ohhh i love Justin on SNL!! that dessert looks amazing!
    Helene in Between

  2. I may have had a small blogasm from that pic of fried dessert fair goodness. I love fair food, every artery clogging bit of it! I am so glad you and the hubs got a real date.

  3. We went to the Strawberry Fest on Friday. It was fun but I felt like it was mostly vendors. Not what I was expecting. We did meet RJ and Jay Paul from Swamp People so that was pretty cool.

  4. Busy weekend! My weekends are such a blur. We went to Aquatica Saturday morning, I had a function to go to with my husband Saturday night, and Sunday we saw the new OZ movie - awesome!

  5. I love the fact that it was 50 there and you needed to warm up, and it was also 50 degrees here over the weekend and we put on tshirts and flip flops lol!

    - Val @

  6. That cheesecake waffle thing looks crazy!! I'm sure it was delicious and perfect for the fair environment. The Bret Michaels concert sounded awesome and I wish I could have gone!

  7. I adore the strawberry festival. I'll admit my boy fiend and I were both a little hungover when we went one afternoon (it was his best friends birthday the night before), but I soon realized fairs are the BEST place to cure a hangover. We pretty much walked it off while eating our way around the fair. It was amazing.
